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02 September Wednesday

Professor Brett Sutton at Melbourne Rotary

02 September 2020, 14:30 - 02 September 2020, 15:30

You are invited to hear Prof Brett Sutton, Victoria’s Chief Health Officer who undertakes a variety of statutory functions under health and food-related legislation. He also provides expert clinical and scientific advice and leadership on issues impacting public health.

He is the spokesperson for the Victorian Government on matters related to health protection, including public health incidents and emergencies. Prof Sutton has extensive experience and clinical expertise in public health and communicable diseases, gained through emergency medicine and field-based international work, including in Afghanistan and Timor-Leste.
This is an Online Event:
Here is the Zoom link for registration. Do remember to select the date (2nd September 2020) form the pull-down menu.
Pre-registration is now open
Date: September 2, 2020
Time: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Cost: Free