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24 August Tuesday

Communications and Community Groups using Technology: Jacqui Munro, from the agency , Agenda C.

24 August 2021, 12:30 - 24 August 2021, 13:30

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Appearing on programs including The Drum and AB’s Radio National, Jacqui who is a  senior manager at the public relations and communications agency Agenda C will bring her innovative perspective on how best to use Technology for  Communications and Community Groups.

In a world of anonymous online communities, dating apps, fake news and YouTube algorithms, how do we tap into the fundamental human need to belong in the modern era to build lasting and trusted relationships? Using the best tool we have to share ourselves and our ideas, our ability to communicate is the foundation on which we build our lives and societies. But communications are more than a message. They have a purpose. Join Jacqui Munro to explore the whys and hows of community building through technology with some successes and failures from her own career in politics and advocacy.


Jacqui has held roles in the NSW Liberal Party has been a Party member for over ten years and has worked for Parliamentarians including the Hon. Mark Speakman SC MP and the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull AC.

In the 2019 Federal election, Jacqui ran for Federal Parliament in the seat of Sydney. At 28, she was the youngest Liberal woman candidate. In addition to traditional campaigning, Jacqui broke new ground with a targeted digital media strategy to drive political engagement and reach new audiences.

Jacqui sits on the NSW Liberal Party’s State Executive and is the Liberal Women’s Council Vice-President. She is proud of her work coordinating policy for the criminalisation of coercive control and delivering skill-building workshops for women.

Jacqui lives in Redfern with her partner, Will, whom she met after playing tenor saxophone in a local Christmas pantomime about Barnaby Joyce.

Date: August 24, 2021
Time: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Cost: Free