Changeover time and we look at the year past and the year ahead
A word from your President Elect (yes that is me!)
As I contemplate and prepare for my year as your RCS President I wish to share some thoughts, dreams and aspirations with you all.
Over the last 12 months we have made significant strides in many areas including our Governance of the Club, ongoing management of our funds and kicking off a revamp of our public facing website, communications and PR. I pledge myself to supporting the continuation of this important work to ensure that we are recognised as a safe and trustworthy place for benefactors to donate funds, that all donations go towards the causes and projects they were intended for and that we effectively communicate this wonderful work and the positive impact it makes to individuals and communities. By bringing our important work to the attention of the broader community we can attract even more donations and a I trust new members who are motivated to join us because of the difference we make.
In May I had the pleasure of attending the Rotary Oceania's Positive Peace Activators program in Indonesia with P. Charlie Allen and Kaila Cruz. We look forward to how our club can leverage this program as one way to continue to build upon our long and proud history in Peace work. As a Peace Building Club we look forward to more members getting engaged in Peace Building activities in our local communities and internationally.
I also pledge to a monthly Bulletin to keep you all informed on recent and upcoming club events, celebrations and announcements. To make these bulletins more interesting and personal I ask for your help. Please let us know what is happening in your lives. Are there members of the club that you haven't met, haven't spoken to or know little or nothing about them. Let's remedy that, let us know when you have a major event coming up, a birthday, anniversary, birth of a new member of your family, and so on. Let us celebrate these events together. Not only in our newsletter but at our club get togethers. We talk a lot about the importance of community so let us all help fan the flames of our own Rotary Community.
It's my first attempt at a bulletin, it can only improve, and with your help we can include more stories, news, celebrations and announcements. Please contribute, send us your pictures and stories, just a few words please. This is your bulletin, help us to keep you informed and entertained!
Presidential Changeover Luncheon is on Tuesday 2nd July 2024 at the Castlereagh when President Charlie Allen will hand over the Presidency baton to me and I will expand on my dreams and aspirations for the club for the next Rotary year.
Register here, don't miss out.
Thank you to all for your support during Charlies term and I look forward to your support and encouragement for the coming Club year.
Yours in Service Glenn
P.S. It's my first attempt and with your help we can include more stories, news and announcements. Please contribute, send us your pictures and a few words. This is your bulletin!
Looking Forward
RI District 9675 - Changeover Sunday 30th June 2024
Rotary International District 9675 will be holding its Changeover Lunch at the St George Motor Club, Sans Souci on Sunday 30 June from 12:00pm until 4:00pm when we recognise District Governor Tonia Barnes for her achievements during the Rotary Year 2023-24 and we welcome Past District Governor Warwick Richardson as District Governor for part of 2024-25.
Please support this important event in our calendar and
register here.
I look forward to seeing many of you there. Let's proudly fly the Rotary Sydney flag at the District Changeover and show our respect and appreciation of outgoing DG Tonia Barnes.
RCS Presidential Changeover Luncheon Tuesday 2nd July 2024
At the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel, 12:15 PM arrival for a 12:30 start, finish by 2pm.
As a number of our stalwarts are out of town and unable to attend in person we will make this an hybrid, in-person and by Zoom. However, we encourage as many of you as possible to attend in person.
Recent Highlights
Sydney Harbour - VIVID Cruise and Dinner - 9th June
On the 9th June, Sunday, over 100 Rotarians and guests along with our partners the Global Federation of Chinese Business Women (GFCBW) enjoyed a 3-hour cruise on Sydney Harbour to take in the annual VIVID Festival courtesy of Tribal Warrior and their re-purposed and beautifully renovated Lady Northcott, the Wirawi!
Our thanks to the indefatigable Phoebe Alexander for all of the hard work put in to organise yet another marvellous VIVID event.
A few snaps from the night!
Thank you!...
For reading the Bulletin this far - clearly you are a committed Rotarian!
So... you know that we cannot run the events and projects that we do without your help. Our continued success is a mouse-click away...
Donate to the Benevolent Fund Every dollar donated to the RCS Benevolent Fund is used to fund the charitable projects of the Rotary Club of Sydney.
Donate to the Rotary PCYC YES Scholarships help our youth with annual scholarships of up to $3,000 each to assist young disadvantaged NSW residents to explore their passion for learning in areas such as sport, the environment, or the arts.
There's no time like the end of the financial year to make a difference!
Remember to visit our Facebook page and click to like the posts. Victoria Hollick and Deborah Hill from our communications committee have been busy with posts. Thanks Victoria and Deborah